PT Unknown
AU Starcke Dr., K
   Ludwig, A
   Brand Prof. Dr. rer. nat., M
TI Anticipatory stress interferes with utilitarian moral judgment
PD 08
PY 2018
DI 10.17185/duepublico/45052
LA en
DE moral decision making; dilemmas; utilitarian judgments; stress; heart rate
AB A recent study indicates that acute stress affects moral decision making (Youssef et al., in press). The current study examines whether results can be replicated using a different kind of stressor and a different kind of stress measurement. We induced stress in 25 participants with a cover-story of an anticipated speech. Another group of 25 participants was tested in a control condition. Stress levels and stress responses were assessed with questionnaires and heart rate. All participants performed a moral decision-making task describing moral dilemmas. These dilemmas were either personal or impersonal and each offered a utilitarian and a non-utilitarian option. Acutely stressed participants, compared to control participants, made fewer utilitarian judgments and needed longer for making a decision. Individual physiological stress response was related to fewer utilitarian judgments. Results are in line with those previously found although different instruments were used.