Chiralitätsinduktion in koformationsisomeren Phosphorverbindungen und Metall-Koordinationskomplexen

In this thesis the induction of chirality in molecular systems is described. For this purpose in the first part a C3-symmetric molecular container is used, that allows an inclusion of small guest molecules like for example chloroform. The inclusion and exclusion in this imidazole-based container was investigated using 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The reaction kinetics were also accessible. Furthermore, a bipyridine or a hydroxyphenylpyridine system was mounted as side arms on a C2-symmetric system based on valine to induce chirality in metal coordination complexes. This systems complexation behaviour against different divalent metal ions (Hg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+) in various solvents (acetonitrile, dichloromethane and methanol) was investigated by means of CD- and UV-spectroscopy and ITC measurements. In the third part, a new chiral phosphoric acid catalyst was constructed based on the C2-symmetric valine system. The catalytic properties were tested in a Mannich reaction and catalytic efficiency was investigated by chiral HPLC.


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