  author = 	{Mehaibes, Nagham},
  title = 	{Comparison between IHSDM and NSM to Assess the Safety Performance of Two-Lane Rural Roads},
  year = 	{2012},
  month = 	{Jul},
  day = 	{27},
  keywords = 	{Safety performance; Rural roads; network safety management NSM; the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model IHSDM},
  abstract = 	{The objectives of this research were to explore ways to assess the safety performance of two-lane rural roads in NRW (North Rein Westphalia, Germany), and in particular to identify road factors affecting accidents on rural roads. Following a wide-ranging literature review, the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) was identified as worthy of further investigation for its adaptation to use. Initial investigations showed that IHSDM is a promising tool for safety and operational assessment of two-lane rural roads in Germany. Incorporating crash history data generally improves IHSDM's accuracy in crash numbers, and appears to provide a better level of "local calibration". A number of tasks were identified and undertaken to adapt IHSDM for general use here, including calibrating the Crash Prediction Module (CPM), developing a Design Policy file based on local agency standards for use within the program, and developing an importing routine for the highway geometry and accident data. <br>
This research aims to present and illustrate a comprehensive road safety method: Network Safety Management (NSM). NSM, based on the German Guidelines for Safety Analysis of Road Networks ESN, describes a methodology for analyzing road networks from the traffic safety point of view. It also helps the road administrations in detecting those sections within the network with the highest safety potential, i.e. where an improvement of the infrastructure is expected to be highly cost efficient. Suitable measures can then be derived from a comprehensive analysis of the accidents. The safety potential and the calculated cost of the measure together form the basis for an economic assessment, which is usually conducted as a cost--benefit analysis. <br>
A systematic algorithm to assess traffic accident risk in the study area was developed in this study. The algorithm helps to identify factors that have significant influence on accidents, and to identify the road sections that have high risk of accidents. This algorithm provides both geographical and statistical analysis on accident events, i.e. mapping "Safety Analysis of Road Networks ESN" and statistical techniques "cluster analysis".},
  url = 	{https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00028840},
  file = 	{:https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/duepublico_derivate_00031074/Thesis_mehaibes.pdf:PDF},
  language = 	{en}