PT Unknown
AU Bachmann, U
   Berger, F
   Reinisch, R
   Erlich Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil., I
   Häusler, M
   Lösing, M
   Quadflieg, D
   Radtke, U
   Rittiger, J
   Schnurr, N
   Wellssow, W
AU CIGRE, 39th CIGRE Session, Paris, 25-30 August 2002
TI Possibilities of Multifunctional FACTS Application in the European Electric Power System under Changing Conditions of the Liberalized Electricity Market
PD 07
PY 2012
LA en
DE Electricity Market; Competitive markets; transmission networks
AB Competitive markets play a key role in modern industrial In many European countries, politicians set the stage for an open electricity market to facilitate competition with full access to grids. This has led to changes in load-flow patterns in transmission networks. The grid access is accompanied by large power transits even over long distances and unpredictable short-term changes of system conditions.