Arbeitsorientierte Modernisierung mit Beschäftigten in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen als Entstehungskontext praxisrelevanter Curricula

This thesis looks into the effects of externally organised further training schemes in courses as well as the development and the possibility to transfer successful experiences. The following questions are dealt with in particular: - How can externally organised further training offers be successfully connected with the special needs of companies? - Which conditions have to be provided or created in the organisation and structure of those who offer further training to combine theory and practice? - Under which conditions are further training offers for small and medium sized companies prepared to ensure the employability of employees? The above questions are investigated exemplary by looking at selected projects which were carried out in North-Rhine-Westphalia under the regional programme "QUATRO" and the joint initiative "ADAPT" between 1995 and 2000. These projects refer to consultancy and further education of small and medium sized companies and their employees. They either comprise of elements in the form of courses or are supposed to develop and try out curricula. This research aims at identifying successful models as well as good aspects of single schemes and tries to facilitate transparency in the context of their origins and inter-dependencies between supply and demand so that pragmatic and political consequences as well as research needs can be derived.


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