NEST - Foundations and results of the project "Novice Educator Support and Training"

The scientific monitoring and evaluation of the project "Novice Educator Support and Training" (NEST) is carried out at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of Education, Chair of Educational Research and Schooling. The responsibility lies with Prof. Dr. Hermann Josef Abs, Eva Anderson-Park, Dr. Myrte van Veldhuizen and Marcus Kindlinger.

NEST is co-funded as a policy experiment by the European Commission under the grant number 626151-EPP-1-2020-2-BG-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY in the framework of Key Action 3 of ERASMUS+. The project is a cooperation project of the University of Duisburg-Essen together with non-governmental organizations and other partners from education administration from seven education systems. The project partners are Bulgaria (project leader), Romania, Austria, Belgium with Wallonia and Flanders, and Spain with Catalonia and Madrid. A table of all project partners can be found below.

For more information on the Novice Educator Support and Training project, visit:

LänderNationale Teach For All OrganisationenEducational authority und weitere nationale Projektpartner
AustriaTeach For AustriaBoard of Education for Vienna
(Flemish Community)
Teach for Belgium
  • • Agency of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC)
(Wallonia-Brussels Federation)
  • Ministry of Education of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB)
  • Brussels Education Centre (OCB)
  • General Secretariat for Catholic Education (SEGEC)
BulgariaZaedno v chas
(Teach for Bulgaria)
  • Ministy of Education and Science
  • Teachers’ Trade Union, Labour Confederation "Podkrepa"
RomaniaTeach For RomaniaMinisty of Education and Research
Spanien (Catalonia)Empieza por EducarMinistry of Education of the Catalan Government
Spanien (Community of Madrid)Ministry for Education and Youth
International partners
US/UKTeach For All Global Network
DeutschlandUniversity of Duisburg-Essen (UDE)